Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blogging? Sure...I have the time...

I'm terrible about doing things on a consistent basis, but I'm tired of having this running dialog with myself (usually out loud...which worries my husband, and amuses my dogs), so I thought I would try and having it with you. (you friends in the computer).

I'm horrifically busy, but I like to waste time I don't have reading all the amazing blogs that are out there, why not write one?

What makes me qualified to write a blog, you ask? My life is funny.

No. Seriously. Like, Monkey funny.

(Those of you who don't think Monkeys are funny can sign off now...You're probably dull anyway...)

I am a 34 year old mother of one toddler son (3), married to my second husband, have 2 dogs and a cranky old cat. I work full time, some crazy person (me) talked me into going back to school for my masters degree, and while I grew up in Michigan, I now live in the great state of Wisconsin (where the beer and cheese are plentiful). If all of that isn't good fodder for some pretty pee your pants funny stories, I don't know what would be. (ok. Except for ACTUAL monkeys)

So, sit back, relax, grab a beer or glass of wine, and enjoy the hilarity that is my life.

I'm moving this week, so that alone should be good for a good snort or two.

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