Friday, February 4, 2011


I survived Snowpocolypse 2011, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.

Snow - in Wisconsin - in February - should be no great shock to any of us living in the great white north. But, this past week, some of Michigan's hysteria rubbed off on us, and Wisconsin shut down for a day and 1/2 due to the impending Death Storm. This included my son's school.

We couldn't play outside, for fear of losing my son in one of the 5 foot snow drifts, so we spent a lot of time watching TV. Since I have a 3.5 year old child with a Y chromosome, this means one thing:


We watch them all: Superman, Batman and Robin, Iron Man, The Hulk...but the favorite - by far - around my household is Spiderman. The past several days, I've seen just about everything Spiderman related including all 3 Spiderman movies and the Spiderman Cartoons (all versions). I was ambivalent about most of these screenings (mostly because I've seen them all so many times, I can recite them to you by heart), but yesterday something caught my eye that gave me a new appreciation for 1960's cartoon culture and our favorite web slinger.

Me thinks that Spidey has been doing some butt crunches.